Mindful Moments for Moms Program
A transformational program for moms who want to reduce stress and overwhelm, let go of the mom guilt and find more moments of calm and connection with themselves and their kids.

Do you feel like you are always stressed, overwhelmed and repeatedly irritable and snappy with your kids despite wanting and trying to be a more calm and patient mom?
Or do you feel guilty or even ashamed that you are parenting your kids in a way that you promised yourself you wouldn't and confused at why you are repeating patterns that you don't want to?
or maybe you feel like you are living life on auto pilot and missing out on moments of joy and presence with your kids?
What the program includes...
The program is founded upon evidence based practices of mindfulness, self-compassion and positive psychology. Some key components included in the program are...
6 x 30 minute coaching calls
These calls will help to support you through the program, help you navigate any challenges and keep you accountable
Weekly online lessons and Activities
Each week you will work through various teachings, reflection activities and meditations that are accessible through on online platform.
Access to a private online community
Access to a support group of other like minded moms facing similar struggles and a place where you will be able to ask questions and get answers via a private facebook community group
Practical Tools and Resources
Access to my online library of meditations to incorporate into your daily life.
2 x Bonus Modules
Mindful Moments for kids module: that will help you bring more mindfulness into your child and family life
Cultivating Gratitude: A module to help you bring more gratitude into your everyday life.
Some of what you will cover over the 6 weeks include...
What's the cost?...
6 x 30 min coaching calls
Online learning modules and activities
Access to a private online community
Access to an online library of meditations
Practical Tools and Resources
2 x Bonus Modules
All for only $297 CAD