Are you feeling stressed, overwhelmed and constantly irritable and snappy with your kids despite wanting and trying to be a more calm and patient mom?
Do you feel guilty that you are parenting your kids in a way that you promised yourself you wouldn't and then feel ashamed and confused at why you are repeating patterns that you don't want to?
Do you struggle to connect with yourself and your kids and find you are living life on auto pilot and missing out on moments of joy and presence?

I empower moms to cultivate more self-compassion, reduce their reactivity and find more moments of calm and connection with themselves and their kids so that they can show up as the mom they desire to be.
A bit about me...
Hi, I'm Sharon!
I'm a mom of 2 girls, a Mindfulness Teacher, coach and founder of ‘Mindful Moments for Moms’ and ‘The Mindful Moments for Moms Program’. I have seen first hand the life changing impact and benefit of becoming more conscious and incorporating mindfulness practices into my every life. Since I began my journey of personal growth many years ago I have discovered so many tools and strategies to help me connect with myself, navigate my triggers and deal better with stress and the challenges of parenting. I am passionate about empowering moms with these tools and strategies to cultivate more self-compassion and connect with themselves and their kids so that they can find more moments of calm and presence and show up as the mom and person they desire to be.